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Explore (Summer Term)
If you have any questions regarding our Science and Geography curriculum please speak to our Science Lead Sarah Hearn or our Geography Lead Sarita Pullen on 01296 488331 or email sarah.hearn@bcsglt.co.uk and sarita.pullen@bcsglt.co.uk
Geography Curriculum Mapping
Science Skills Progression Year 1 - Year 6
Curriculum Intent
At Bearbrook, geography is taught in each year group as part of an overarching project which sets out to develop independence, curiosity, understanding and equips children with an appreciation of themselves and others. It gives them the skills to be the best person they can be and an understanding of their significance and impact on the world around them.
Geography should provide pupils with knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments.
Curriculum Implementation
At Bearbrook we understand the importance of Science and Scientific thinking and we try to weave this in to all that we do. This is particularly evident during our ‘Explore’ topic in Spring term when the children in each year group focus their learning on science and geography. Our Early Years team deliver an ‘in the moment’, child centred curriculum which is tailored to the children’s specific needs and interests. From Year 1 to Year 6, children are taught weekly science lessons which encompass the individual topic areas and curriculum objectives within each year group, including working scientifically skills. Teachers draw from a range of sources to plan high quality science lessons, including the Developing Experts scheme. Our lessons focus on hands on, practical science aided by the use of physical equipment, images, videos and EXPOLRIFY activities to help enhance children’s learning experiences. Each lesson includes opportunities to revisit prior learning through flashback style questions and the introduction of new vocabulary. In addition to this, we engage children in science through school trips, themed days and after school clubs.
Year 1 Explore Knowledge Organiser
Year 1 Explore Medium Term Plan
Year 2 Explore Knowledge Organiser
Year 2 Explore Medium Term Plan
Year 3 Explore Knowledge Organiser
Year 3 Explore Medium Term Plan
Year 4 Explore Knowledge Organiser
Year 4 Explore Medium Term Plan
Year 5 Explore Knowledge Organiser
Year 5 Explore Medium Term Plan
Year 6 Explore Knowledge Organiser
Year 6 Explore Medium Term Plan