Bearbrook Pre-School

Bearbrook Pre-school is an inclusive setting within Bearbrook Combined School for children aged 2-4 years. We offer the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum which is play based learning. Our holistic approach enables us to work closely with not only our children but our families to offer children the best start to their education. We have two rooms.

Star room      (Children aged 2 and 3)
Sparkle room (Children aged 3 and 4)

Our team is well qualified and experienced within early years, with many of them having been with us a long time. We work closely with the main school providing a good transition for children joining the main school.

EYFS Quality Assurance Standard

Our Preschool have recently been recognised for creating a language rich environment enabling the children in our provision to develop their confidence and skills in expressing themselves. We all understand the importance of communication skills as they can have a life-long impact on a child’s development and future life chances. 

Each child is assigned a keyperson who works closely with the family to ensure their individual needs are met through a nurturing approach. The settling in process for your child is recognised by us to be very important. Please see our settling in policy for more detail.

Preschool cropped pictures

It is really important that children arrive and leave promptly at the start and end of the sessions, as it can cause disruption to the session and can impact on their learning opportunities and their wellbeing.

We use an online learning journey to build a record of your child’s development, this is then also used by the Foundation stage in the main school. In order to use this, you will need to be able to access an app or a desktop. For those without access to the internet we will ensure you are able to view by giving you access in setting or printing on a termly basis. We encourage you to upload pictures and write ups of what your child has been doing at home so we can work in partnership.




Sessions Timings
Morning Session 8.50am - 11.40am
Afternoon Sessions 12.30pm - 3.20pm

We also offer 30 hours funded places. Our aim is to offer parent/carers sessions that meet the needs of the child and family. Our minimum sessions are 2 spread out and we offer a variety of flexible options. For example, you may wish to use your funding over 2 and a half days. Or take 5 morning/5 afternoons or a combination.

Lunch club runs between the two-session staffed by pre-school staff in order to provide continuity. This must be booked and packed lunch sent in. The charge is to cover staffing costs.


Our fees are as follow:

The cost of a 3 hour session is: 2 year olds - £19.00
3/4 year olds - £17.00
Lunch club is:

2 year olds - £5.00
3/4 year olds - £4.80

There is a difference in prices as the ratios are higher for

2 year old (1:4)
3/4 year old (1:8)

A refundable deposit of £30 will be charged for those children taking a 30 hours funded place. This will be refunded within 6 weeks after your child has taken up their funded place at Bearbrook Pre-School.

We charge an enrolment fee for private places which is £20. Please remember that all holidays, sickness and absences must be paid for. All fees are due in advance, but we are happy to discuss various payment plans – weekly, monthly, termly etc. We ask for a voluntary donation of £10 per term to cover consumables such as paper towels, resources for playdough etc.

There is no obligation to pay this donation but in order for us to continue to provide quality experiences, this would be gratefully received. If you would rather provide resources we will be displaying a list of things regularly needed.

In order to provide a healthy range of fruit and veg for the children, we ask for parent/carers to donate a piece of fruit for each session their child attends. We collect the fruit and the children share. This means children often have the chance to experience tasting things they would not normally. Once again this is entirely voluntary.