Create (Spring Term)

If you have any questions regarding our Art, Design Technology, Drama and Music curriculum please speak to Fiona Mitchell on 01296 488331 or email

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Our intent at Bearbrook is that throughout the academic year the children will be using their creativity and imagination to gradually build a knowledge base for Design and Technology. They will design and make products that help resolve real life design predicaments and will be contemplating their own and others’ requirements to come to a decision about their final product through discussion, drawing and planning.  

They will attain a wide variety of subject knowledge and draw on disciplines such as engineering, design, art and maths. The children will have the opportunity to take up challenges that will improve their design skills by making them more inventive, practical and adventurous.


At Bearbrook we will bring this curriculum to realisation by creating an environment that will allow children to appreciate the creative arts and to have their creative thought challenged. The curriculum is developed so each year group can learn skills that are built upon the following year thus gradually establishing a set of skills for each child. This enables children to develop confidence in performing those skills.

Children’s artwork is displayed for the whole school to see, prompting discussion and appreciation from others. We intend to develop their understanding of the work of artists, craftspeople, and designers from a range of cultures and times and apply this to their work. We value the prospect that this hard work will be honoured by the Arts Award UK organisation in the future due to our ongoing involvement in one of their schemes.

In lessons children will be offered the opportunities to make observations and develop a wide variety of skills. They will receive support in generating ideas, improving imagination and exploring artistic skills required to implement those ideas. In particular during the Create term children will have the opportunity to take part in a whole school art event such as an art exhibition at a local arts centre or a smaller art event within school. Individual artistic effort and talent is valued and this is celebrated in termly awards and certificates.


The Art and Design curriculum is planned to show progression in the children’s practical and critical skills and is linked throughout to places studied in geography or periods in history to support topic resulting in children learning about the artists of a particular country or artists of a particular era as well as them developing techniques and ideas. Art and design are taught during PPA time by a specialist teacher which opens up and extends the children’s artistic knowledge and experience of the subject. 

We focus on progression of knowledge and skills and discreet vocabulary progression with technical terms being learned throughout. We use sketch books from Year One to Year Six which enables children to explore ideas and practise skills and keep a record of their learning. We measure the impact of our curriculum through observing children’s practical skills and knowledge. Displaying artwork plays a part in achieving an impact on the children as it improves well-being when they celebrate their art with those around them.

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Queens Park Arts Centre - Comments from Public

Sparkle Room - Knowledge Organiser

Star Room - Knowledge Organiser