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If you have any questions regarding our computing curriculum please speak to Emma Wixted on 01296 488331 or email


Computing at Bearbrook intends to develop forward thinkers through a relevant and engaging education in computing. We aim to equip our children with computing skills that will allow them to navigate the ever-evolving world of technology whilst also empowering them to communicate their ideas and personalities through a variety of mediums. We also aim to ensure they recognise the importance of finding a balance of technology in their everyday lives and that there are advantages and disadvantages connected with online experiences. We want to grow responsible, respectful and self-assured members of an expanding community of technology users.


Eduthing Logo

Although there are aspects of Computing that require explicit teaching (in particular, Computer Science) we believe that the majority of Computing  should be embedded across the curriculum – within our Project Guerrilla as well as within core subjects. We are working alongside Eduthing to develop a comprehensive and relevant curriculum for our school.

We are using 'The National Centre for Computing Education' to implement our computing curriculum. Eduthing are supporting staff development by providing training in specific areas of computing.  NCCE Website

Children at Bearbrook begin their technological journey in Early Years, where the children are introduced to the concept of E-Safety as we feel it is important to arm them with the knowledge they will need to protect themselves online and familiarise them with situations they might experience. Children are then taught internet safety throughout every year of their Bearbrook journey. 

As a school our computing curriculum provides the children with opportunities  to develop their skills and knowledge in Information Technology, Digital Literacy and Computer Science. Moving into KS1, the children develop their skills on iPads and laptops where they are allowed to explore a variety of applications. Progressing into KS2, the children will start to use ICT to produce pieces of work using a range of applications and programmes enabling them to become more fluent and proficient at using these tools to create authentic outcomes that they can be proud of.


Impact - In progress

Computing Overview

Computing Overview

Computing Progression

Computing Progression of Skills

Online Safety Progression Reception - Yr